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Health Care Tips Regarding Eyesight Problem

How to Care for Our Eyes | Health & Beauty Tips and Suggestions

EYEGLASSES ARE NOT SAFETY GLASSES When working with power tools, chemicals, or mowers, don’t rely on your ordinary eyeglasses for protection. They are not designed …

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Face mask for Dry Skin at Home

Banana Yogurt Face Mask for Dry Skin in winter at Home

In winter season everyone is worried with Dry Skin. By constantly dry skin loses its brightness and glow affect and then it is not easy …

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How to care your ears for OTTORRHOEA

How to Care for Your Ears for Otorrhea

What is Otorrhea? Otorrhea is a medical term that means ear discharge. This discharge can be clear, white, yellow, or even bloody. It comes from …

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ubl omni payment in pakistan

Paying Your Bills with UBL Omni


In today’s world, managing bills is an important task that even adults find challenging at times. But what if there was an easy way to …