The Punjab Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, has approved the Electric bike Scheme for students. In the first phase of the Punjab Government Electrict Bike scheme 20,000 electric bikes will be given to students. This will make it easier for them to get around. CM Punjab made this decision during a meeting held in Lahore.
Maryam thinks electric bikes are important to reduce pollution. But she knows they don’t go very far on one charge, and sometimes their batteries get stolen. So, the government will also give students regular bikes that use fuel.
Punjab Government Electric Bike Scheme 2024 for Students Apply Online
To help students, the initial payment for these bikes will be less – only Rs25,000. And the monthly payments will be under Rs5,000. The bikes will start being given out in May 2024.
Maryam also wants to give bikes to students based on merits and academic record in school and colleges.
CM Punjab Government Electric bike scheme initiative was taken in the meeting with Nawaz Sharif the former prime minister of Pakistan. You can apply online for the Electric Bike Scheme 2024 of the Punjab Government on this page. As the official website will start the registration process we will update this page. so keep visiting this page regularly. The government aims to provide more bikes to the young generation on instalment plans with no interest and low payment plans.
At the meeting, they talked about how the electric bikes won’t have any interest in their payments. The monthly payments for regular bikes will be less than Rs5,000, and for electric bikes, less than Rs10,000. In villages, 70% of the bikes will go to boys and 30% to girls.
Maryam said they’ll announce when students can apply for bikes before Eid. This will make it easier for students to know what to do.
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