PM Imran registration of ‘Corona Relief Tiger Force:
After the announcement by Prime Minister Imran Khan regarding the formation of a new special volunteer force, the Youth Affairs Ministry declared that registration for PM Imran Khan’s vision ‘Corona Relief Tigers’ youth team will begin from March 31, 2020, in all over Pakistan.
The spokesperson revealed, people might become a volunteer for the force by using the PM Office portal by filling out a digital form for online registration.
What will do PM ‘Corona Relief Tigers’ force?
Those interested will need to provide their name, age, mobile number and UC Number (union council) on the pm tiger force registration form to register for this Corona Relief Tigers. Just those up above the age of 18 can easily register for the force. The Coronavirus Relief Tiger Force registration for the force will end on April 10, 2020.
The source additionally said volunteers coming from each union council would be assigned along with supplying food to the needy homes of the greatest vulnerable/susceptible areas of society.
Members of any party can also register as a volunteer for Registrations for the ‘Corona Relief Tiger Force’ announced by Prime Minister Imran Khan. These volunteers/participants will work under the deputy commissioners (DC) of every district in the respective areas.
If the case lockdown exists, the Corona Relief Tigers’ force will send out food and also recognize those areas for critical condition and other hoardings.
Participants would in addition monitor suspected corona patients at quarantine facilities, to various tasks there.
We cannot Fight alone:
Prime Minister announced the beginning of the youth force, saying it might contribute to the fight versus the coronavirus pandemic in Pakistan, as we are not able to fight with this disease individually without our youth.
Recruitment /Enrollment for corona relief tigers will certainly formally begin on 31 March 2020 to register online.
How volunteers fo Tiger force will provide food to Homes?
Finding just that the disease has propagated dramatically throughout the globe, alongside the United States growing as the new epicenter, and Nobody will say today exactly what the situation will become 02 weeks from now.
This is the reason all of us have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario in the world especially the county what has low sources in situation the number of cases spikes,”.
It is very important to note that when the other countries imposed a lockdown, people had food provided to people’s homes. The corona relief tigers will be sent all over Pakistan. Authorities will map completely wherein and how much is a spike in corona cases and our youth tigers will be directed to those locations to provide essential supplies.”
How to register for PM Tiger force?
To register for PM Tiger force, you only have to download the citizen portal app form your android mobile. And you will have to put the required date in fields and press the submit button. The team will contact you.

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