Pakistan Super League HBL PSL 6 Hamaray Heroes 2nd edition has launched by the official website of Pakistan Super League and Nomination Form for registration of PSL 6 Hamaray Heroes are available till 23rd January 2021. Pakistan Super league introduced a total of 32 legends of Pakistan in different walks of life. This year in HBL PSL 6 again the second edition of Hamaray Heroes of Pakistan launched. Hamaray Heroes Process and Eligibility Criteria are that any person having anything extraordinary achievement who has earned his name as well as the name of Pakistan can get registration online on the official website of Pakistan Super League.
PSL 5 initiated the first edition of HBL Hamaray Heroes and received an overwhelming response from the public. Many sports figures as well as other people like Kabaddi player Imran Butt, Founder of ACF Animal Rescue Ayesha Chundrigar, Mountain Climber Nazir Sultan, Professional eSports Player Arslan Ash, and Filmmaker Faheem Azvi were introduced in Hamary Heroes process for motivating people to develop their skills and achievements in education, art, culture, music, social work, social entrepreneurship, sports, technology, and health, etc. Categories for nomination inHBL PSL Hamaray Heroes involve in Education, Performing Arts and Culture, Social Work, Social Entrepreneurship, Sports, Science and Technology, and Healthcare.
The process of nominating Hamaray Heroes is to fill out the nomination form on the HBL PSL website with their details before the 23rd January 2021.
HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes Nomination Form
1)Individuals/organizations that have previously received recognition through HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes powered by Inverex Solar Energy will not be eligible to participate
2)Persons and organizations can be nominated in multiple categories. Eligibility is dependent on the award category and may be open to businesses, groups, organizations, and/or individuals.
3)Nominees must be citizens of Pakistan OR have Pakistani heritage OR have the resident status of Pakistan OR be an organization or association that is registered in Pakistan.
4) Nominees must not be:
an employee of PCB
an employee of a direct supplier of commercial products or services to PCB
a member of the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes powered by Inverex Solar Energy jury
a current employee of a member of the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes powered by Inverex Solar Energy jury
a current employee of a presenting partner/sponsor of the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes powered by Inverex Solar Energy jury
5) All submitted nominations and supporting material remain the property of PCB and will not be returned.
6) The judge panel’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.
7) Nominations for all awards must be received by 9 pm on 23rd January 2021
8) Nominations do not guarantee a place on the final list or an award
If you are nominating someone, please share your personal details in the following section
- What is your name? *
- What is your phone number? *
- What is your email address? *
Please fill in details of the hero you are nominating for the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes
- Who are you nominating? *
- What is the nominee’s job title?
- Which field most accurately fits this person’s area of work? *
You have to choose the category
- Why are you nominating this person? *
- Why do you think this person deserves to be featured as a part of the HBL PSL Hamaray Heroes program?
- Do you have the nominee’s email address?
- Would you like to share any additional information with us?
After giving answers to all these above-mentioned queries, you will be able to click on the submit button.