Renowned senior actor of Sindhi Urdu dramas, Mir Muhammad Lakho, has sadly passed away at the age of 70. According to his son, Akbar Lakho, Mir Muhammad Lakho had been facing health challenges related to his heart and lungs.
Akbar Lakho shared that his father’s health deteriorated significantly two days ago, leading to his death at 4 am. The late actor was laid to rest in his hometown.
Mir Muhammad Lakho initiated his acting career in Sindhi dramas at Karachi Center and went on to showcase his acting prowess in Urdu and Balochi language dramas as well.
In his illustrious career, Mir Muhammad Lakho contributed significantly to the world of Sindhi Urdu dramas, leaving behind a legacy of memorable performances. His unique talent and dedication to the craft endeared him to audiences across Pakistan.
The late actor’s impact on the entertainment industry, particularly in Sindhi dramas, will be remembered fondly. His passing is a loss for the Pakistani entertainment community, and he will be missed by fans and colleagues alike.