SNGPL Application Status Check By CNIC

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By Fayyaz Sidhu

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited SNGPL application status check by CNIC is very easy to know about the timeframe of when your new SNGPL gas connection will be installed.  SNGPL has provided us with an easy way to find out application status through the online system.

If you are not well educated and cannot use the Internet you simply dial the 1199 Sui gas helpline and through an online operator find out your application status by giving him/her your CNIC details.

SNGPL Application Status Check By CNIC SNGPL application status can easily be found through a call on 1199 but in rare cases, it is also problematic if you have submitted your application through some agents or by hand then maybe it is still not entered in the online system of SNGPL.

The major breakthrough is that now the company has halted the quota system regarding the installation of new Sui gas connections in specific areas etc.  Now there is a standard mechanism through which every applicant has to go for installation.

Other Ways for SNGPL Application Status Check by CNIC

 If you are confirmed that your application for a new Sui gas connection has been submitted then you may visit the official website of SNGPL to know your application status. Simply you have to visit the official website of SNGPL, of which, the interface has one highlighted online services option, find this option and click on that link, there you will find the procedure to adopt for how to check the online application status of SNGPL.

The pleasant thing is that this page will be available in Urdu as well as English medium and all citizens of Pakistan can get information about their application status for a new gas connection in your relevant premises.

 Key things to remember

  • Your reference number
  • Merit List
  • No agent service.

Here on this page, you can see the timeline chart for the complete period of processing on your application. There are four main phases of processing on the application which are as under:-

  • In Process
  • Survey offered
  • Rejected
  • Issuance of Demand Notice

I am not ready to write more and more about the online application status check SNGPL  as the official website interface will give you all the information that you require for your new Sui Gas connection application status.  On this interface, while going through the online application status check if you see the word DOM which means to Domestic consumer applicant.

After completion of the aforesaid four options, it would be guaranteed to you that your new gas connection will be installed within the prescribed timeframe at the requested site. After the issuance of the demand notice and submission of same in any concerned bank, there would be a matter of a few days to get a new Sui Gas connection installed.

Hope this article will help you very well to avoid any scamming as well as to know about your required information in respect of the installation of a new gas connection.   If you want to know how to apply for a new Sui gas connection, click the link given below.

How to apply online for a new sui gas connection



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