Have you ever felt the dryness in the hands in the winter season? Do they feel rough? Many women and even the men feel the extreme trouble of getting their hands rough and untidy especially in the winter season.
They even think that as the winter comes and the hands get covered with the gloves then in that case the hands are protected and are properly cared as well. Well that’s just a false conception because the hands need extra attention while they are covered as well.
During the winter excessive coldness destroys the hands cell that leads to the roughness. All such people who have been immensely fighting with this problem they should follow the above mentioned hands care tips in winter season.
- Firstly for making the hands soft and calm take one small spoon of sunflower oil, coarse sugar and lemon juice. Mix the whole blend until it doesn’t get thick. Now apply the paste on hands for 15 minutes. In just two weeks you will come across with a new softness of hands.
- Sometimes the dryness of hands is the tremendous discovered trouble amongst the people. In order to overcome the dryness level just mix the rose water and glycerin in warm water and apply the paste with gentle massage on hands for half an hour.
- Thirdly, many girls’ wants to lighten their hands color tone because fair color complexion is getting famous in the girls. For decreasing the whitening of the hands take some sugar on the hand and mix few drops of lemon juice on it. Gently spread the mixture on the palms and backside of the hand and you will get the fair hand color in just two weeks.
On the whole every single girl and even men must follow these guidelines and we are sure that they would no longer feel the need of wearing gloves even in winter season.

HI! I am Sameer Ahmad, A well ranked Multi Niche Blogger and SEO expert. I love all kind of knowledge that People love.